No more grumping, at least for today. *g* Grump gone, largely because I have a fabulous flist so, not all that much to moan about, right?
My cat is 14 and still thinks he's a kitten. He pads my boobs, and for 14 years has been surprised that no milk turns up. *shakes head in bemusement and cuddles gormless Tiger*
Damn, but I wish the muse would alight on my shoulder again. Writing and me are not friends, right now. On the bright side, there's nothing quite as good as mini chilis stuffed with cream cheese. OTT? Probably. *munch*
Oh! Want to come to come to Midimeet2009 (also known as Brit Writercon)? Want to take part, have a good laugh, meet people you've only commented to/been commented on before and/or make a whole new range of friends? We have just the
place for you. *g*