Thank you so much to everyone who posted birthday greetings and best wishes yesterday. Yes, yes, I know it shouldn't matter at my reverend age, but it does! It gave me a tingle every time I saw a 'Happy, Birthday, Kitty'. I think I captured everything
here, but the brain gave up after *blank* number of beers. Check out the gorgeous ficlets by
jans_intentions and
I'm adding
katbcoll to the list because she posted on IJ, which brings me more or less smoothly to
amejisuto, who paid for a coupon and enabled me to get a permanent account at
InsaneJournal. Thank you, love! I love it there. Squeaky is the sole owner, not a corporate flunky, and gives straight answers to straight questions. A one word answer from him works better than all the pompous, poorly legal-eagled posts LJ can dream up. Sincerity! Well, there's a selling tool that's underused.
Last but definitely not least,
flufshepherd made me two beautiful banners which can be found
here, and
lelaina_c sent a party hat and
laazikat a red rose! *group hug*