Sep 27, 2005 17:58
Sitting here.. again.. realizing all the things I miss:
*star gazing
*swimming at night
*cuddling in front of an open fire
*playign in the rain
*swinging on the swings in a park
*having someone to play with at the park
*baby kitties
*going to new places
*being spontaneous
*waking up in someoens arms
*taking pictures
*being happy
*enjoying the little things
*making someone feel loved
*showing someone how to really live
*feeling beautiful
*feeling alive
*meeting new people
*sneaking away/out
*being a kid
Yeah... lol.. you knwo how you just have to make lists to remind yourself of who you are? Yeah.. taht was one of mine.. thats who I am.. I do all those things all the time.. but I haven't done them alot lately because I have been so caught up in other things.. I basically took a mental health day today and drove myself up the wall.. and it really made me look inside myself.. I uncovered my old hoplessly romantic self.. I set my creative self free... maybe that makes no sense to some of you.. but really how many people can do things like I do? I mean let's face it.. I'm a little spethial ^.~ yay hyper-sensitivity! WoOt! lol. a curse and a blessing all rolled into one.. oh, well.. everythnig is gonig to be alright.. I think ^.^ Although I don't think it a good idea to have another day all by myself for awhile *smiles* I suck at being alone ^.^ Plus if I have to make up anymore school.. I might cry.. lol.. but! I have a plan.. I swear I am horrible ^.^ but so good ^.^ what can I say? I rock *winks*
In other news.. Saturday is my last marching competition of the season unless by some god given strike of good fortune we place high enough to go to Regionals.. which.. I wouldn't count on it ^.^ but yeah.. if you didn't see our performance at Floyd Central.. man did you miss out on my sexiest performance EVER! I loved it ^.^ and the judges were IN LOVE with it ^.^ the crowd even made comments to my band director about "the beuatiful girl on the box" HELLS YEA! I love how people love girls dancing all skank-like in public on big boxes ^.^ with shiny things none the less ^.~ So yeah.. columbus East.. this Saturday.. be there.. its our last performance this year *tearz*
So, its finally fall.. and you know what that means.. camping.. sleeping out in the hammock... being hoplessly romantic.. star gazing... *sighs thoughtfully* *flutters eye lashes* I love fall.. sweater weather.. cuddling.. and kisses.. falling leaves.. the earth's alive with color.. I AM SO BLOODY EXCITED! ^.^
but yup.. i guess.. i dunno.. i feel like starting my nightly Yoga practices early tonight ^.^ i love you all ^.^