Mar 24, 2004 00:28
Tonight, I was trying to figure out if Western has the classes that UIC and SXU want me to have completed in order for me to go to nursing school. And it hit me, right when I saw the 400 level Bio class I'll have to take. It hit me that in 3 years I will be an actual nurse. It may sound stupid, but I was awe-struck when I realized this. For the past 2 years, wait thats a lie, for the past 20 years, I have been wondering what I will be doing with the rest of my life. Grant it, I still am a little shaky on the details. But its strange for me to know that in 3 years, I will be a nurse. I will not only have the knowledge, but I will have the ability to safe someone's life. I will have the opportunity to actually make that contribution to society that I have always wanted to make. And I already know that, even if I spend these 3 years busting my ass and getting a good job, nothing will compare to how I will feel when I know I actually helped someone.
People constantly ask me why I am going into nursing. And to tell you all the truth, I have no definite answer. This wasnt a huge dream of mine as a kid. It was just something I thought I would like to do, and be good at. But I never thought I would have the guts to actually go through with it. I always said, thats not me, other people do stuff like that, I would love to do that kind of stuff, but I doubt I could. And now look at me. 3 years away.
I mean think of it, 3 years isnt that much. Hell, high school was 4 and it went by faster then I could imagine. These past 2 years in college have gone by way too fast. These are the years I would slow time down if I could.
Another thing I was thinking of, related to nursing of course, is all the opportunities I will have. I dont need to list off the many areas I can work at, specialize in, or even be the supervisor for. But I could possibly travel around Europe (I think on a cruise boat too) while practicing nursing and learning. I can travel all around the United States and live in the states that I dream of during the cold winter days. Im really excited about all this, even the hard work (boo). All I have to do now, is keep my energy up and bust my ass for the good grades. I used to be a good student in high school, I could be a good one again. Maybe its just a cycle. I was ok in grade school, well in high school, and ok in college. We should have a little graduation ceremony for me. Then I would feel that Im in grad school and I'll do well again.
Peace out peeps - love ya lots everyone.