Aug 21, 2010 21:01
The past week i've been on a hot and cold roller coaster... sweaty mostly (i never sweat!) and i've been sicker then usual (weak, drained, tired). It all started to get better a couple days ago... and today I'm hot and feeling weak. Guess who came to visit. DUH explains everything. I just didn't expect the visit...cause I never know when he'll visit. The bastard.
So now i'm hot and sweaty... and weak... and being visited...and annoyed.
Also explains why was crying so much the past few days. Having C diff has made it worse then usual I guess... that and i stopped my birth control. Who needs it when your not having sex? I'm tired of taking so many pills it's one less i don't have to think about.
So Time to lay down some more... keep reading. I have finished book 4 and am 2/3 done with the 5th already. :p Been readin all day. I have the 6th and i'll get 7-10 later. >:3