and the survey says..

Jan 02, 2010 10:33

Resolutions for 2010:


$ keep continuing to rediscover my artistic aptitudes ... carry my sketchy-writey-blurby-notebook with me at all times. draw more, obvs.
$ buy a better camera, learn to use it to its full potential, carry that with me everywhere as well
$ finish setting up that goshdarned website and write on it regularly because its really important .. for me and anyone who might stumble across it in need


$ kick absolute and total azz in school. try to find some grants to help me pave the way. stop stressing continuously over the size of my student debt.

$ take

"Accredited by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council, this Basic Wildlife Rehabilitation course will introduce you to many aspects of wildlife rehabilitation, such as: anatomy and physiology, zoonoses, physical examinations and initial care, stress, shock and thermoregulation, handling and restraint techniques, nutrition and housing standards, and euthanasia and release considerations. A laboratory portion also includes tube feeding techniques, subcutaneous and intramuscular injections, and limb immobilization."

$ i plan to get bonded and set up an pet sitting mini business for myself next may through september. people used to come into the hospital alll the time asking if we knew anyone who would do it for a reasonable cost and we never did. so i'm going to print up some business cards and try my luck for a month or so and if it doesn't fly, then get a 'real job' :)


$ i really *should* stop with my coca-cola / fizzy drinks addiction but its something i will always surrender to i'm afraid!
$ keep up with my 150 minutes a week exercise plan
$ keep going to group, obvs. keep doing what i'm doing with dr. pawliuk

* Did anyone close to you die?

Um, me, almost, when Beckham almost snapped my leg in half and sent me into a pile of boulders. ugh. scariest moment of 2009. or when I ended up in the hospital prepared to do the unthinkable. that's probably more relevant to the question.

* What countries did you visit?

Just the gool ol' USA. Las Vegas, Seattle.. Calgary twice, that's it I think.

* What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?

I would say a steady relationship but it's nigh on impossible right now. But these things have a way of happening.

* Any great romances in 2009?

Aaron reappeared and then disappeared just as impassioned as the first time. Mike was around for the very start of '09. Matt B has my heart always and forever (I got the most amazing text from him at midnight on new years btw ... texting someone at midnight, you know they've got to be thinking of you wistfully... sigh..) Met Joel on the ferry and fell madly in love for like 2 weeks. Then geography and other impassables precluded any real anything. We still talk though, full of sweet nothings and musings about getting together. Who knows. Um .. I hope I'm not forgetting anyone else.

* What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory?

I have a few. When I think back to this year globally I will remember the following highlights:
Going back to school.
Hours spent at WildARC.
and the SUMMER!!//
Shaun's birthday camping trip on Sidney spit, bonding with Marnie and getting smoked up in the bomb shelter with those 15 year olds, the deer at dusk, the whole vibe and all the laughter.
Michelle's birthday festivus! That whole day was amazing. The trip over with Jason <3 the walk to Matt's, with graffiti along the way, the cake and its groovy effects, the friends, the croquet, the awesome.
And Sonny Rollins with Joel. The instant connection on the ferry, the instant travelling to Vancouver to spend like 17 hours in the presence of a basic stranger, and having it be the most enchanting night.
OH AND the Ruckles beach camping excursion! Especially the ride over with Jenny and Shelle, but all the awesome company and the swimming and it was just so wonderful :D And finally, my 2 weeks in Eric Martin. The kind people I met and the basic bond we all shared. My roomates Tammy and Kim. And the group Dr. Pawliuk put me in, all of whom I have come to love very much as people.

* What was your biggest achievement of the year?

See above. I was talking to my Mom the other day and commented that this year has been a bell-shaped curve in terms of my health. It started off dreadful, after a dreadful few months (years really) and I finally got the help I needed. Summer was the most enjoyable of many before it. And then winter set it, but I have to say my last few moments of 2009 were luckily spent in the company of those I love very much in a beautiful surroundings and it all bodes well for 2010 <3

* What was your biggest failure?

I didn't exactly rock school like I'd planned to. I simply did okay, and then sacrificed my chem and bio final grades to pass calculus. BUT NOW I KNOW, how to do sciences, and am doubly armed to rock this semester.

* What was the best thing you bought?

Tuition. The Honda (well ICBC bought it) .. Veterinary services for Dara and Beau

* Whose behavior merited celebration?

Nathan's gmail chats, which always seemed to come at the perfect times and cheered me up immensely (oblig star trek ref)

* Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Steven Harpers government and their stance on climate change, leading the rest of the world to view Canada as the number one loser when it comes to chipping in. When we have the most to lose. Also a lot of celebrity culture. And yet I can not STOP with the gossip blogs!! Maybe I should add that to my list of healthy resolutions :P

* What did you get really, really, really excited about?

My family taking Beckham home! OMG I love that animal to death!!!

* What song will always remind you of 2008

Albums. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest // Cut Copy - In Ghost Colours // Evil nine - They Live! and You Can Be Happy Too //

* What do you wish you’d done more of?

i wish i'd done more sex.

* What was your favorite TV program?

ghost hunters, paranormal state, extreme paranormal :P .. survivorman, haha, anything on OLN i guess. Sunday night cartoons.

* Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

Nothin but love from this girl.

* What was the best book you read?

Books! I spent almost all of 09 reading historical non-fic. 'The children of Henry VIII' by Antonia Fraser, 'The Six wives of Henry VIII' by Allison Weir, 'Monarchy' by Thomas Starkey, 'A History of England' Nicholas Hobbes;... I also read a lot of David Sedaris <3 oh and met him too! and met Philippa Gregory!

* What was your greatest musical discovery?

The Hospital Records weekly podcast fo sho.

* What did you want and get?

I bought myself a rock-tumbler and have had lots of fun with rocks. I am going out for a fresh batch when I'm done writing this in fact!

$ What did you want and not get?

A winning lottery ticket

* What was your favorite film of this year?

District 9, Princess and the Frog

* What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

For my 29th birthday (shudderrrr) I held a very 'UNADULT'erated party in the park. With music and cookies and sunshine and a pinata. and you guys <3

* What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

I basically got part of the thing I wanted most so I shouldn't push my luck. So, I will say seeing more La Lou!

* How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?

Leggings and copious pairs of boots to go with. Blonde. Sundresses and Sandals. Stepping out of whatever I'm wearing and into sweatpants the moment I'm in the front door

* What kept you sane?

Bubblebaths, LJ, my supportive friends and family. Laura came and visited me in EMP and that was like the most comforting sanity-inducing thing ever.

* Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Balloon Boy

* What political issue stirred you the most?

See Above. And the continued plight of the Sudanese innocents.

* Who did you miss?


* Who was the best new person you met?

Joel. Marnie Mandel. Karen Lau.
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