Aug 29, 2005 19:11
The recent hurricane fiasco has made me constantly have The Tragically Hip's "New Orleans is Sinking" stuck in my head. For all of y'all in Katrina's path, stay safe, I'll be praying for ya.
You can't even immagine how one little hour of my day totally made everything okay again. Wednesday could come sooner, and I really wish it would!!
... WOAH! Soccer people run FAST!! I just saw them all zoom by my window. Geezum crow! If I ran like that my little lungs would explode and I'd die.
Anyhoo, back on topic. But I never had a topic, so back on randomness. I'm currently eating tortilla chips and salsa for dinner. Because one, I couldn't find anyone to go to dinner with and two, I didn't really want to walk in the rain up to the dining hall. I could have gone to the Rat, but meh. If I'm going to be antisocial and eat alone, I'd rather eat ALONE and not alone with people staring at me. I've been having a very antisocial week so far. Someone come here and force me to socialize, kick my in the bum! Bad kitty.
As I sit here, I think to myself that my current behavior and state is much like I thought it would be at the end of last year. Single room, antisocial, sitting at desk doing homework all the time. Yup. Those plans changed, and I have to say that I'm rather glad they did. I would never have guessed that last Maytime my life would turn out this spectacular and I'm happy with the way things are. :)
Don't you just love little revelations like that? I sometimes just sit and think about the "what ifs" What if I'd never done VAST? What if I'd never chose the 60's class as my elective? What if I'd never done Woodstack? What if someone special never sat next to me that day? What if... It's just crazy to think about it all.
Page is coming to visit me on Thursdayyyy!! I love her I love her! I'm really glad that I did end up going to the show yesterday because not only did I have an AWESOME time, but I got Junior/Senior/Adult Western Champion for the day!! I have a big pretty ribbon and a tropy and everything! I love Remmington, I missed riding him. We just have this... connection. I can feel it every time I ride him and it makes me so happy I could soar through the sky! His child is going to sh*t a brick when she hears how I did with him (pardon my french...) and I hope she does too. :) I'm so pleasent.. hehe.
Enough rambling, now that I'm caught up on old homework time to get a head start on some upcoming homework! Whee!