May 19, 2011 23:09
Well, I guess I have a few options:
1. Job offer goes through
a.) Move to Atlanta
2. Job offer does not go through
a.) Stay in this house for another month (do not want)
b.) Rent out another sublet for a month
i. sit on ass bored alone for two weeks and continue being despondent about still living in Birmingham
c.) Move all my shit to my dad's, then indulge vagrant tendencies for two weeks while I figure out what to do with my life, then potentially move elsewhere on a whim
i. personal life difficulties arise after week 2 (OR: just go visit Randy in Providence or something for a few weeks, then continue everything as normal)
Really would enjoy shaking things up a bit. Until then, I guess all I want to do is sit on my ass and swim at that amazing poor-man's beach at Oak Mountain because fuck knows, the only time that's a good time to be alive here is the summer. I can't help my indecision; I'm a Libra. That's how it works, right?