Ahh, I love that you have Greek mythology ships! I've always wished there was a big fandom for Greek mythology. That would be so amazing.
I wrote a Snape/Lily/James fic once! It was really terrible, though. I like most of your Harry Potter ships, actually! I notice you ship James/Rose. I ship Al/Rose, but I'm not sure why I prefer it over James/Rose. I've never actually thought of James/Rose before. What do you like about it?
I've always wished that too! I mean, just imagine the kinds of things we could do with it... like with fanfic and such. It would be awesome. :)
I'm not exactly sure why I started to ship James/Rose actually, lol- in general I don't ship incest, even cousin/cousin, so it was sort of weird for me to ship them in the first place. If I remember correctly, though, I had read a fanfic centering around them, and the relationship the author had set up for the two was engaging and adorable. So I started to ship them, lol. :)
Yeah, definitely. I've thought about writing some Greek myth fanfic before, but never gotten around to it. Well, unless you count my retelling of Dionysos' origin story, which I don't, really.
I don't mind shipping cousincest in HP fandom, because, I mean, they're all cousins anyway if they're purebloods. Even Harry and Ginny are distantly related! I usually avoid anything closer-related, but I ship Bellatrix/Andromeda because the Black family and Bellatrix in particular seem twisted enough for it to work.
Ooh, do you still have a link to that fic? I really like reading good Next Gen fic.
That'd be an interesting read! Do you have it posted somewhere? I'm always up for anything Greek myth-related, haha. :)
That's a good point. I usually don't think about the family trees farther back than Marauder-era, but when you put it that way... Nearly all of the major characters are somehow related then, right? Or at least most of them.
D: I'm sorry, I can't seem to find it! I thought I'd mem'd it, but apparently not... I'm sure if I searched hard enough for it, though I could find it again. :) I'll get right to that!
No, but I could post it on my journal, I guess. I dunno if it is actually an interesting read or not, but I might as well.
Haha, I actually went through on this geneaology website geni.com and made a huge family tree starting with the canon Black family tree and diverging from there. It was pretty fun!
Ah, no worries if you can't find it. Thanks for looking, though!
Well let me know if you do post it. :) I'll definitely read it!
lmao That totally sounds like something I would do. And that website looks really useful! Like I could use it for my character in writing or something. Thanks for showing it to me!
I'll try looking for it tonight; I'll let you know tomorrow if I can't find it. :( Sorry again!
I wrote a Snape/Lily/James fic once! It was really terrible, though. I like most of your Harry Potter ships, actually! I notice you ship James/Rose. I ship Al/Rose, but I'm not sure why I prefer it over James/Rose. I've never actually thought of James/Rose before. What do you like about it?
I'm not exactly sure why I started to ship James/Rose actually, lol- in general I don't ship incest, even cousin/cousin, so it was sort of weird for me to ship them in the first place. If I remember correctly, though, I had read a fanfic centering around them, and the relationship the author had set up for the two was engaging and adorable. So I started to ship them, lol. :)
I don't mind shipping cousincest in HP fandom, because, I mean, they're all cousins anyway if they're purebloods. Even Harry and Ginny are distantly related! I usually avoid anything closer-related, but I ship Bellatrix/Andromeda because the Black family and Bellatrix in particular seem twisted enough for it to work.
Ooh, do you still have a link to that fic? I really like reading good Next Gen fic.
That's a good point. I usually don't think about the family trees farther back than Marauder-era, but when you put it that way... Nearly all of the major characters are somehow related then, right? Or at least most of them.
D: I'm sorry, I can't seem to find it! I thought I'd mem'd it, but apparently not... I'm sure if I searched hard enough for it, though I could find it again. :) I'll get right to that!
Haha, I actually went through on this geneaology website geni.com and made a huge family tree starting with the canon Black family tree and diverging from there. It was pretty fun!
Ah, no worries if you can't find it. Thanks for looking, though!
lmao That totally sounds like something I would do. And that website looks really useful! Like I could use it for my character in writing or something. Thanks for showing it to me!
I'll try looking for it tonight; I'll let you know tomorrow if I can't find it. :( Sorry again!
Posted here. It's pretty short.
Yeah, I'd like to show you the tree, but I can't figure out a way to make it public. Darn.
Okay, cool! Definitely no pressure or anything. It sounds quite interesting.
Darn technology. I have problems like that all the time, haha; no worries. :)
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