「 Personality 」My Personality & The Sites/Tests Used To Determine It

Jul 26, 1994 22:35

Name: Caitlin
Age: 16
Birthday: January 28
Zodiac: Aquarius / Water Rooster
Celtic Astrology: The Rowan
Multiple Intelligences: Musical, Verbal/Linguistic, Intrapersonal
Personality Type: Dreamy Idealist
Enneagram Type: Type 4 (The Individualist)
Personality DNA: Generous Visionary
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Alignment: I waver between Neutral Good and True Neutral.


☆彡 Western Astrology/Zodiac:
Most of you should know what this is (if you don't, you've been living in a hole considering you're friends/family of me). In any case, I'll explain it in a gist: depending on what time of the year (and which year) you were born, the stars and planets were in totally different arrangements than they are now. It is believed by some that this arrangement of stars and planets directly affect, or at least influence, our personalities as human beings.

This site offers a lot of information on each of the 12 star signs, as well as handy dates next to each so you can figure your sign out.

☆彡 Eastern Astrology/Zodiac:
This is another very common form of astrology. It is based on the Chinese New Year (which is different than our regular New Years) and goes by a 12-year cycle. Many people either dislike it or don't pay much attention to it because it goes by year of birth instead of being more "exact" (by using your birth month and birth date). However, this is not the case; actual Chinese astrology goes by month (and season), day, and hour.

Chinese astrology also goes by the elements, which can help to further define your personality. There are only 2 years for each element in the 20th-21st century for each respective sign.

This site has a calculator with which you can find out your sign. It also has links on the side that offers extensive information about each sign, and which years represent which elements. (All of us born in 1993 [or if you're born before February 10th, 1994] are automatically Water Roosters.)

☆彡 Celtic/Druidic Astrology:
I actually don't know much about this form of astrology atm; it's something new I've discovered. :) From the information I've gotten from research, though, I can sort of sum it up: The Druids, a set of Celtic priests from the British Isles during around 1000 B.C., used a lunar calendar with 13 months of 28 days each. The Druids believed in more natural spirits, and these energies were identified with trees with which Dryads were thought to inhabit. Therefore, the zodiac is based on trees. :3

The dates for each "sign" are very similar to the dates for the Western Zodiac, at least in the beginning. For example, most Capricorns and Aquarius' will all have the same trees as each other. However, a Scorpio may not have the same tree as other Scorpio's. You can see what I mean, and find your own Tree here.

☆彡 MBTI (Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator):
MBTI was originally developed by two women during World War II, "believing that a knowledge of personality preferences would help women who were entering the industrial workforce for the first time to identify the sort of war-time jobs where they would be 'most comfortable and effective'". The currently published and used Meyer-Briggs Type Indicator is an assessment that gives an accurate description of ones personality, and is the most widely used personality indicator in the entire world.

Your personality for MBTI is given as a 4-letter type indicating 4 dichotomies (Extroversion vs. Introversion; Sensing vs. Intuition; Thinking vs. Feeling; & Judgement vs. Perception).

This site allows you to take a test in order to determine which type you are. I don't remember how long it takes you (I think the given time is ~12 minutes, which isn't bad as far as these things go). This site offers more in depth information about your type than the other site goes into (such as romance, friendship, careers, luck, money, etc).

☆彡 Multiple Intelligences:
A test developed by Howard Gardener, Multiple Intelligences refers to how you learn. Basically that's it... Nothing much else to it.

This site allows you to take a test in order to determine how you learn. It also offers a bit of information about each different style.

☆彡 iPersonic Typology:
A not so common form of typology, iPersonics is a more modern-day typology developed by psychologist Felicitas Heyne. The type given is two words usually shorted to the initials of the words (for example, I am a Dreamy Idealist, shortened to DI).

This site allows you to take a quick test to determine what type you are. It's actually one of the more fun tests I've taken, because it forces you to do more than just click true or false, or a number from 1-9. :3

☆彡 Enneagram:
This type of typology was developed based on the actual geometric enneagram figure, which is a nine-sided star polygon. Thus, there are nine different types that are named by their number (so Ones, Twos, Threes, etc). In my personal opinion, I view the test as a lot more... pessimistic (?) than other personality tests. There really aren't any GOOD traits that the test and types focus on; it's more of what flaws your personality has that they take into consideration.

The actual, legitimate Enneagram test actually costs money to take (! Silly developers...), but there are numerous free samplers that do just as good a job as the actual one. :) This is a free 10-minute RHETI sampler that is fairly accurate.

☆彡 Personality DNA:
... Now that I think about it, this one may be the new and edgy modern-day one. :/ I DON'T REMEMBER. D:

Anyways, it's described as a "free, fun, fast, and accurate" typology test. Plus, the end result has some really perty graphics. |D

This is the only site that offers it, as it's a unique one like iPersonics.

☆彡 Hogwarts House:
I thought I'd include this because it is incredibly accurate. :3 This test was developed by professional psychologists based on the four Houses of Hogwarts.

While this test is accurate, they don't offer very good descriptions of the Houses. Here are good references for actual House personality traits. :)

☆彡 Alignment:
Another bonus one! Alignment systems are usually used for roleplaying in games like Dungeons & Dragons. However, in my opinion they are extremely accurate views of what society is comprised of nowadays. There are 9 different alignments which are determined by where on stands on the Good-vs-Evil axis and the Law-vs-Chaos axis. The nine alignments are Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neural, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil.

This offers descritions of each of the different alignments, as well as a test to see which one you are.

type: awesome, !permanent, type: typology

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