(no subject)

Dec 25, 2011 16:18

Some people are about "me me me". After so long it gets old.Seeing it constantly!! I don't ask for a pity party with the things I have been though so I will not ever give it. I don't care the situation. I don't blare every given detail out eaither for that exact reason. After excuses for so long it gets old. Those are the people I choose* not to have around me. No matter what you do or say its always about "me". 
they can't get over themselves. Its rather sickening. sometimes I'd like things to be about me to bad, things arent oh well i won't cry about it and if i do its not  newscasted. Sometimes with life
no matter how bad things are no matter what the situation without details given which I remain not to go into, its time to get over it. You can always get over it for just a few when it comes to certain special ones. Youth is something to treasure. Something you want to protect. Something that no matter what you try as hard as possible to make it the best. life IS hard. Boy do I know* that. People should also never* tell people they wouldn't understand when they do not even have the slightest clue of what the other has actuelly seen and been through. just because i have never told you everything doesn't mean i haven't been through something or suffering from something. I don't air it all out like I've stated because once again I don't need your pity nor theirs. I'm sorry sometimes things come to certain situations but usually theres only so much one can handle some way or another. friends should be there for others but at the same time you can tell theres nothing there. its a one way. I don't want to be friends with someone who does stuff for attention but once they get it they make a big scene about the attention they get pretending it is not what they wanted in the beganning. Not just one situation but many that has been viewed. bring certain things up to an individual won't always matter. its just easier this way. people shouldn't take it to personal, doesn't mean your a bad person nor that I'm saying anyone is. just sometimes its like Deal with it! thats life! Grab your cards and play as best as you can!
I hope things go wonderfully for some, and they realize the great things and people they do have in their lives. Some wonderful people there. Don't miss out no matter what! Even if it can't be injoyed personally. You'll regret it. Also no one should get upset, i don't owe anyone anything. If we were closer yes. 
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