Feeling positive :)

Mar 02, 2011 22:13

I just did a YouGov survey.  Most of it was asking about if I had positive or negative impressions of certain companies, as usual.  However a political question was suddenly sprung on me - I was given a list of politicians/ parties/ countries and asked if I'd heard positive or negative things about then in the past two weeks.

I think I'm probably the only person who ticked the 'Nick Clegg' box.  I don't think the positive things I've heard are exactly what Yougov had in mind, either.  I'm dreading a follow-up survey.

Survey: What positive things have you heard about Nick Clegg?
Me: I've heard he can do excellent things with his tongue.
Survey: And where did you heard this?
Me: From a fictionalised version of Paddy Ashdown.*

*Cue termination of my Yougov account*

And then things got weirder.

I was given three 'type-in-your-answer-like-a-good-person' questions.  They were asking for my favourite Youtube clip and, I kid you not, what animal would I like to be O_o.  Then there was this gem:

"The original Rubik cube, which is the world’s top-selling puzzle game and seen by many as the iconic toy of the 80s, has recently been updated to a new version comprising 1,539 segments, and is said to be so complicated even its inventor can’t solve it. Another older retro toy is the ‘slinky’, which first came out in the 1940s and mesmerised generations as they watched it travel down a flight of stairs. In more recent decades, Pokémon cards and yo-yos have filled the nation’s playgrounds. What, if any, is your favourite retro toy?"

...I see you there, Ed Miliband.  Hijacking Yougov for you own Rubik's cube related ends.

That's not the reason I'm feeling positive though.  One of my latest lectures involved conversation analysis of a video where Lady Gaga was talking about bisexuality.  And there wasn't a single bad comment - not even an ignorant comment - about people who identify as bisexual.

I've also had to haul myself halfway across the country to go to my sister's birthday celebrations this week - something I was a little nervous about considering it involved not just going out with people I didn't know, but going to a restaurant to boot.  But I managed to get a vegan meal made up without any weird looks or snide comments (it probably helped that my sister's friend was serving me but, still, an achievement).  And managed to get away with an extremely gothy dress style while out with a decidedly un-gothy social group in chavvy clubs.

I feel slightly more positive about people in general now.

*Dw, I'm not actually going to write this.

not all depressing, i also have a veganism thing, my life is pretty boring, lolitics is my life now

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