
Oct 22, 2010 16:02

Its now friday..and i havent heard anything from the student union Y_Y
 well...at least i dont think i have...the home answering machine has a message on it..but its so old n broken, that none of us can work out who the message if for/from or what it even says!!
so im getting annoyed incase it was the SU offering me an interview >.<
 This is all because i tempted fate by thinking of skipping the gamestation interview...thing is..if i wasnt at that interview i would have been here to take the message  GAH!!!

Im in desperate need of a job!!
i have a stupidly long shopping list, including kita/ayacon tickets n hotels, Expo next week, christmas, birthdays.. A SOCIAL LIFE would be nice too!!!

i hate being un-employed :( cant even mooch off my parents as they have no money either  XD

BUT..i do have 2 free tickets to go see the hangover on november the 7th... only thing is.. i have no-one to see it with XD
bloody typical ¬¬

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