
Oct 20, 2010 21:28

Ive totally forgoten what i came on to post about O.O

well, anyway as im here, something came to my attention?
about 80% of the people that now me...spell my name wrong?
right, so my full name Cathleen is pretty wierd, but i usually go by cat (or kitty to nice people :P)
 but the amount of people who spell Cathleen/Cat with a K!!! it confuses me XD
okay, well cathleen i can understand, as i use the scottish spelling, its genrally spelt with a K (irish), but i seem to think its like the name catherine (dunno how to spell it XD ahhah), and i automatically spell that with a C...maybe because its first in the alphabet, or because most cathy's, catherines and what not are C's?
but...cat...with a K, dose baffle me?
 i mean, toddlers learn to spell cat properly... i dunno if its just polite to assume its someones reeeal name, and think...oooh better put a K so they dont think im rude?...but.... Its clearly there on facebook, and yet...several people will send me Messages and whatnot with a K?

ANYWAY!!! rant over...theres proboly several people who have lil pet peeve's about names (off the top of my head i remember aimee mentioning people spelling her name as Amy before)

so, i think i may have come on to talk about the interview?
if i didnt, oh well..if i did..here it is XD

got to my interview nice n earlier and the staff were busy at work, but happy enough to have a chat and wish me good luck XD
 The dude interviewing me seemed nice enough (although clearly not a morning person)
He asked regular questions like, when have you worked in a team, where have you had good/bad customer service...then he went onto random questions like, if you were a video game character who would you be and why? and another odd one where i was like O.O...derrrrrrrp
but yeah, he asked about wether ive dealth with abusive customers..so in my usual manner i droned on and on about a situation back at smiths XD (not once mentioning quiz :3)
 errrrm... did a couple more questions, then he asked if i was thinking of taking a second job whilst there... i didnt know if i counted but i mentioned i was a carer and his eyes kinda glazed over (they did this when i said i wanted to be a prinnie from disgaea...i had to explain to him what it was XD) so i then sat n explained what a carer was *shrug*
 we finished off quite quickly which was nice, i wanted a drink and a wee XD but he then asked if i had any questions, as usual i asked wether they had a problem with piercings, to which he rolled up his shirt sleeve showing off some random tatoos and said 'nawwww, were all pretty open minded here' which was nice, i thought FINALLY somewhere were i can actually just let myself be me, and not take all my piercings n shizz out, and i can be as fat as i like!!!
But then i asked, what hours they were looking for..to which he said the three words i hate the most 'zero....hour....contract'
everyone is taking 0 hour contracts, and i cant really do that, because i'd have to go through a lot of hassle with carers and stuff, as one week i could do 1 hour, the next 20...which mess's up the whole situation with mum, and also, i need routine really :/  and, if i only did one hour a week (which yeah is unlikely) it would cost me more than i earn to get there XD (bus fares gone up again...and after hearing the budget thing this afternoon, its likely to go up again ¬¬)

so yeah, if they call back and offer a job, i think im gunna have to just say no, as ...it seems a nice enough place to work and everything, but i dont wanna get myself of frazzled n anxious again ...i really need a stable routine job xD
so yeah, im still holding out for the student union bar to call back, but im not too confident in that as the interviews are friday -monday...and theres no message yet.... or at least there could have been :S

got in from town yesterday, and there was a message on the answer machine..i play it...and its all static..i can make out hello, something like the name john, and 'please call back on......' but..i dunno who its for/from...so im paranpid now it could have been an interview oppurtunity XD

oh lordy ^^;

anywhoo, i need a cuppa, so im off now!
ooh, if i remember i'll make a quick post shortly about my fail at starbucks XD

Ciao xx
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