Oct 01, 2010 19:35
guh, i dunno why but im in such a grump today,
and for some reason mums doing my head in...but shes done nothing wrong!
the district nurses were meant to come out yesterday to do a routine thing with mum.. but they didnt end up coming..so i got up at stupid o'clock to tidy/hoover the house to make it presentable for nothing! (stupidly i stayed up til 2 the night before watching movies, and couldnt sleep due to a serious leg cramp) So, we figured theyd come today as originally planned (dates got changed due to something) ...i get up early again as they can arrive 8onwards....it gets to 1o'clock...and theres no sign of them, so mum rings up and stress's down the phone..and does this whole sob story thing which really bugs me! she says how she had to cancel plans and stuff for this..which annoys me...it dosent need to be said! the situation is bad enough without her having to throw a pity party. finally at 3 a nurse came round and just kept apologising.. it was one of mum old friends from work, and she went from being a stroppy cow expecting it to be the nurse who messed up...to being all 'butter wouldnt melt'
i dunno why but it really bugged me!! she always makes up stories to companies, doctors, nurses job centre..anyone who will listen basically to make an already bad situation sound worse just to get the sympathy card. i reeeally feel sorry for people on the other end of the phone..as thier jobs are hard enough, they dont need people guilting them all the time, when its not thier fault ¬¬ (i think this stems from too long in retail...where EVERYTHING is your fault)
also, i got pissed off at mum because she has a habbit of whenever you try to talk to her..wether its nonsense or something silly...she pauses the telly!! WHY OH WHY DID THEY MAKE A PAUSE FUNCTION!! my dads pissed off by this too! he was trying to talk about how one of his clients was put on suicide watch and mum rolled her eyes and paused the telly on deal or no deal.
man i hate that show ¬¬ the show itself is annoying...but the fact mum watches it religiously and talks like she nows each of the contestants personally..but the fact she paused it during a serious conversation (where she could have just listend normally, or muted OR TURNED IT OFF!) it makes me feel like noel bloody edmunds is more important than dads stress at work!!
guh...im venting sorry XD..its been building up all day!
im getting sick of finding things out through facebook!..especially when it's pure chance i stumble across it!! i know im a grumpy/unsociable cow.. but is it reeeeeally so hard to tell me things...seriously!!! for example, i found out my brother had a serious job interview..well a 2nd interview for the same job via facebook! why is it my own brother wont tell me whats going on!! its a bloody good thing my parents dont have facebook or i'd be royally screwed!!
and its Helens birthday today, and as usual on a friday she came over for dinner and to stay the night.. as is now normally i prepared and cooked dinner... but just as helen decided it was time to open presents (sounds childish XD) mum turns to me and says, oh can you go start dinner!... and as usual i said nothing got up and did it............ thanks.......... so im stood in the kitchen hearing everyone else have a laugh and a chuckle...and thankfully Dad realised this and said 'wouldnt it be nicer to wait for cat' and mums response was 'oh she knows what helens got, and she dosent like birthdays either'
SINCE WHEN DO I NOT LIKE BIRTHDAYS!!!...i love seeing people open gifts XD... it makes me feel all warm inside ...or something like that XD...so anyway, i cooked/served dinner... and ended up taking it in like a waiter AGAIN instead of people getting up and getting thier own....once dinner was finished mum turns to me AGAIN and says 'can you clear and rinse the plates cat, and once youve done that you can do the bit youve waited for all week! you can get the cake ready!'
okay, i know i love cake and everything, but im getting sick of constantly being like.....treated like a kid when cakes nearby... i think they think i live for cake or something.. whenever we go past a bakers or we do a shop and we pass cake, mum always says ooooh turn away we cant get any this week cat... or like when it comes on an advert/telly... mum or dad will comment that im drooling. FUCK SAKE!!! its cake..yes i like it..but you guys like coke and wine!! but i dont make comments about the fact you drink a pint of it before going to bed, and then complain you cant sleep!!!!!
sorry venting again :S
but... guh.. i feel so out of the loop of things at the minute. thankfully a perfectly timed text arrived an hour or so ago, inviting me out for lunch and a bitch next week... THANK GOD!!! i think i'd go crazy if i have to spend much more time stuck on my own with mum^^; i love her to bits.. but when you spend so much time alone with someone... you start to notice silly little things that tick you off :/
anywhoo...i think thats enough of a rant for now..but i can guarentee there will be more soon XD there always is XD
so yeah...sorry about that...LJ is good for venting to no-one.. or whoever reads this...anyone? ahaha
laterz xxx