Aug 10, 2006 18:25
just for fun~
name: Kaitland
nickname [ if u have 1 ]: Kaity kins, angel, angelus, kitty, white many!
age: 19
hometown: marstons mills
have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no
have you ever..
gotten detention because of something stupid: yep
cheated on someone: yeah
done bungee jumping before: no
being to singapore: no
being to malaysia: no
dislike your own name: not anymore
thinks Mickey Mouse is cool: no peter pan is better
cheated on test: yes
cried because of someone special: yes
this or that
piercing or tattoo: i have piercings but i want a tattoo
red or pink: both
maths or english: english
chemistry or physics: physics
vanilla coke or coke: coke
read or write: both
dance or sing: both
soap opera or comedy: comedy
christmas or thanksgiving: christmas
rome or greece: rome
winter or spring: both
adidas or nike: nike
black or white: both
pop or rap: rap
rock or r&b: rock
hot chocolate or hot cocoa: is there a difference?
sugar or spice: sugar
to be taken or to be single: taken
group dates or single dates: either or
at a pub or clubbing: both
do you..
smoke: nope
curse: yes
tattoo: no
thinks Kylie rocks: who?
play an instrument: learning guitar, and soon to be drums and piano...
wants to get married: yes
how many children do u want: hard question...
want to go to college: going too
want to go to university: no
thinks you are popular: no
thinks you are more popular than ur best mate: no
wants to dyed ur hair to black: no
wear a belt: yep
wear a watch: sometimes
wear braces: never
wear hats/caps: sometimes
make-up almost everyday: no
singer: so many...maynard, ville valo, vince neill, devin, chris...way too many!
color: white
quote: "we have nothing else better to lose other than ourselves, so why not?" ~just made that up~
store: hot topic, spencers, urban behavior...lotsa places...
song: vicarious - tool
movie: black sheep
place to be: ireland
season: all for different reasons
number: 7
time of the day: every moment, live it all like it's your last day!
holiday: christmas
restaurant: hmmm...olive garden..
girl's name: hope, faith or angel
boy's name: romeo
word: fucker
month: december
chewing gum: cotton candy flavored
subject: english
place in the world: in his arms...
do you have any siblings: yes
if you have, do u like them?: yes
do you have any pets: yes
whats on your mousepad: deer
do you wear contacts: no
paint your nails: sometimes
believed in love at first sight: yes
like roller coaster: yes