I found a crowbar and an axe downstairs. There's probably more useful things out in the shed, but there's no way I'm going out there, at least until absolutely necessary. Terrence managed to contact me a few minutes ago, he and some surviving students and faculty are barricaded in the band room. They keep hearing explosions from the science department, we can only hope that it's more survivors putting all those chemicals to good use. Still no word from my parents.
Shit. Shitshitshit. One just crashed through the living room window. I grabbed the axe but I was too freaked out to use it properly, so I just kind of bashed its head in. It seems to have been on its own, but I'm not going to be hopeful. Oh god I'm getting blood all over the keyboard. Oh man that was NOTHING like the movies. Crap. No. Gotta keep my head here. But - dear LORD that THING........I'm shaking. Oh man.
I'm moving downstairs. Not ideal, but at least there are no windows.