I have decided that Sam Winchester is actually the combination of Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Want to know why? I'LL TELL YOU.
In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort tried to possess Harry. However, he was unable to remain in Harry's body because Harry was reminded of his love for his friends and his family, and thusly kicked Voldemort out of his body.
FURTHERMORE, At the end of Season 5, Buffy's sister Dawn was about to be killed in order to bring about the end of the world. But Buffy realized that, if she threw her own body into the opening portal, she could save her sister and save the world.
A certain Samuel Winchester was possessed by Lucifer (a big, bad Baddie like Voldemort!), and things were looking rather grim for our poor Sammy until he caught sight of the green, army man in the Impala. He was subsequently overrun by memories of Sam'n'Dean, of them being brothers, of their familial bond, and Sam's love for his brother gave him the power to take control of his body. LIKE HARRY POTTER!
Following the Harry Potter move, Sam then threw himself into the deepest pits of Hell - Lucifer, Michael, and, unfortunately, Adam in tow - saving his brother and the entire world in the process. LIKE BUFFY!
Sam Winchester is two of my all-time favorite fictional characters all rolled into one. No wonder he's my favorite.
P.S. Didja notice that all of these happened in the fifth installment of their respective series? Fifth book - Harry Potter. Fifth season - Buffy. Fifth season - Supernatural. IT'S FATE!