(no subject)

Jul 07, 2005 20:13

So here I am. Typing away. Defeated after three disheartning games of paddleball.
But please... don't cry for me, Argentina. I'll be back with a vengeance.
Anyway, I'll be in upstate New York this upcoming week, with a good group of High Schoolers.
We'll be at the Mohawk Reservation near Hogansberg, New York.
It'll be a good experience for all of us involved.. please keep us in your prayers.

It's been a good stretch for me. Vacation Bible School was crazy, but good. Also, Sarah and I were able to spend
*gasp* five days in a row together, which I think shocked both of us. I think that broke a record, or something. What a great time! :)

So I'm off for a while... I pray you're all doing well.
Until Next time...
In Christ,


  • I've been coming to terms with the fact that, at my core,  I'm really quite dull. ;) *grin*
    • I don't share the same viewpoints on the endtimes as this site, but it's interesting none the less.
    • Okay. Fred Phelps (the 'God hates Fags' guy) has started something... I won't pretend to ignore the plank in my own eye by criticizing him, but I strongly disagree with his viewpoint and how he goes about sharing his viewpoint. It's just a hunch that not too many people have started following Jesus through Phelps' church's messages. On the other hand, he has inspired some hilarious parodies (some have strong language): God hates Shrimp, God Hates Figs, God Hates Globes, God Hates Bacon
    • However much I disagree with Phelps' statements, I'm glad I live in a country where your free to speak and dig your own social grave... disagree with trying to abolish Phelp  Canada's attempt to control 'hate speech' does concern me.. and I hope the U.S. will always avoid adopting something like this. Forcing these kind of laws doesn't erase hatred.
    • Now introducing... the I-Pod Flea! (pretty funny)
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