Sinus based colds aren't fun, neither are the sore throats and aches (as the five year old alli once said to her mom, "Mommy, I got the rottens") that accompany them. Today I think I barely made it through my two tests and napping 101 (aka anthropology 203)... since the prof is in Hawaii doing research, we had the TA lecture on the role of women in Imperial Korea, however, we were reassured that none of the information we would be tested on since it is not in the book. I fell asleep for a half hour give or take...hence the napping 101. Tho there was one thing that the TA said that I could relate to really well. He said that when he goes back to Korea, his family and other people see him as American because he has adopted more American mannerisms since he has been here the past nine years however when he is in America, Americans seen him as Korean because of his Korean mannerisms. Because of this, he feels he neither fits in the Korean culture or the American culture 100%. It was interesting to realize how much that hit home because there are times where I fit into neither culture. Ahh the world of limbo and yet I'll be the first to say, in a positive (even tho these were meant to be derogatory when they originated) way, I'm a white washed asian banana thank you very much! ;)
Other than that things have been doing really well. Working at the cart has been fun and I'm thinking of doing it again next year...tho I hate opening and closing the cart. It's a pain in the arse. This week i'm picking up an addtional four hours or so than normal which is great pay wise since I don't get hours for the cart being closed during spring break and hour wise towards the 1000 hour graduation requirement. On the other hand bad week to pull hours because of the icky residue feeling of the cold, which is non contagious so you should come see me at the cart in the atrium of Todd! Also there was a surpise health inspection of the cart two days ago. We scored 100% on the inspection. Something that hasn't been done to date in the history of the cart! W00t! go us! ;) So that was some sweet news.
Now having time on my hands, I have time to offer something up to you guys. I've been sitting here flattening out hershey kiss wrappers (weird isn't it? well I'll tell you what they are for...some spiffy wrapping paper stuff so you'll just need to wait and see how they come out) and with the music that fits my mood and just sort of thinking about things, love, life, friends etc along with all that is happening around me and the hurt some of my friends are going through, I ask this really weird question yet again because I love you guys and you are family to me. Its sort of along the lines of joy and hurts that I ask back in August and have slowly started to follow up with people. A person once said to me that you don't know what happened to a person before you met them, unless they share. Because of that, everyone has their own pain and sorrow, joys and laughter that they carry. For some reason it was one of those things that strucks me really hard. There are few that really know what has gone on in my life before I met them and there are many that I don't know what went on before I met them [which I am working on believe me]. To me, in finding out about people's past it makes me that much closer to them to share their memories and be a friend. So now to kind of turn things just a little. With the hurt going on around me, I have one question, tho not really simple, for you that read this and for my friends in general. How can I support you? And I know if someone asked me I be like "Wah?!" O.o but its just something to ponder. I love you guys!
Oh yeah, here's a shameless plug that I would like to invite you guys to and share
Candlelight Taize Worship Good Friday
7:30 pm,
Simpson United Methodist Church
325 NE Maple Street
and for those that want to know what Taize worship is: in essence it's a style of worship which I find very soothing and with candlelight it will be awesome to worship. The songs are usually one line long and more repetitive in nature, with scripture read but no sermon. An awesome experience. And if you try it once and don't like it my feelings won't be hurt ;) my mom isn't too keen on this style but I enjoy it.