What's in your head?

Feb 28, 2005 12:11

These are my characters. Um. :3 I wantchu to pick your favorite. If you want, you don't have to... But it'd help to know which ones people like and don't like ^^;

TRAGIC: Tragic is 17 years old. She is 5'9 and very skinny. She weighs about 99 pounds. She's a pure albino cat, with a fuzzy tail. She dyes her hair rainbow, and the fluffs on her tail rainbow. Occaisionally she will paint on rainbow markings on her arms, and a purple star on her belly. Her eyes are golden yellow. Tragic's sexual preference is lesbian. She has had a bad experience with guys and has resorted to girls, but doesn't have a girlfriend. She enjoys ballet and painting. Tragic also takes drugs(mushrooms). This causes her to hallucinate. Her favorite type of music is techno. She adores soda and anything with caffiene. She's very calm, friendly and mellow. But once she gets angry she'll be pissed off the rest of the day.

JASON: Jason is 18 years old. He weighs about 110 pounds and is about 6"2. He is a mix of a greyhound and some other speices. He is grey with blue markings. He has blue hair with black bangs. His eyes are bright baby blue. Jason is bisexual. Yes, he likes girls AND boys. He is also a major whore. But once he falls in love with someone he'll never leave their side and be totally devoted. His favorite drink is birch beer. His attitude is mainly highly playful and flirty. He isn't very quick to anger but stands up in what he believes in.

JASHA: Jasha is 20 years old. She is a mix of a cat, dragon, and a dog. She weighs 130 pounds and is 5"6. She has white fur with some green markings. A * design around her eye, and x's and o's on her ears. She has medium blue hair, with a white streak that fades to green on her right side. She has pure white dragon wings. Jasha is straight and has a crush on Jason, but he doesn't know that. She works as an agent for crime scenes. Her favorite drinks are kool-aid and pepsi. She's also almost a 'protecter' of all my characters. If any of them gets into trouble she'll be sure to get them out of it. Jasha has a highly hot temper and will kill anything/one that gets in her way.

Glycerine: She is 15 years old. She has no specified species. She weighs 106 pounds and is 5"4. She has dark grey fur with blue and yellow speckles on her eyes, nose, chest, ears, tail and arms and legs. Her right eye is yellow and her left eye is blue. Her hair is white/silver with two blue streaks and one yellow one on her left side. She is straight. Her sister is Meditate. Her attitude is mainly very emotional and close minded. Glycerine will oftenly hurt herself on purpose, and she has manic depression. She is also a compulsive liar and might be caught overdosing on pills. Her favorite drinks are 7-up and coffee. She will always put her sister, or her friends as her first priority.

Meditate(Nitro): She is 15 years old. She has no specified species. She weighs 116 pounds and is 5"5. She has white fur with green and pink speckles on her eyes, nose, chest, ears, tail, and arms and legs. Her right eye is pink and her left eye is green. Her hair is black, with two green streaks with a pink one in the middle on her left side. She is bisexual. Her sister is Glycerine, who usually likes to call her Nitro. She got the nickname Nitro from Glycerine. Her attitude is agressive, sexual, and exciting. She always helps those in need, but can be a bit on the wild side.

Kit: She is 15. She is a mix of a cat and a fox. She weighs 89 pounds and is 5"2. She has tanish fur with green and white all over. She has brown/green eyes and has dark brown hair with two bright green streaks by her bangs. She is straight. Her name is Kittiez but likes to be called Kit. Her favorite drinks are water and lemonade. She is a vegetarian but will occasionally eat chicken. Her attitude is very playful, loving, daring, entertaining, and funny. She is bipolar. She will oftenly put her friends and loved ones before herself.

Aquary(notananthro): He is 4 years old. He is a husky/mutt. He weighs 97 pounds and is about 4"7 standing on hind legs. He is seafoam green with dark grey all over. not much is said about his attitude because he rarely comes out from his solitary life.

LimeBrite: She is 16 years old. She is an unspecified species. She weighs 119 pounds and stands about 5"10. She has white fur, which is almost completely covered by her green, yellow, and pink markings. She has baby blue eyes and black hair. She is ASEXUAL. Her favorite drinks are Kool-aid, juicey juice, or anything fruity. She is said to be an angel because she is so nice. She loves to help people and animals. But if she is caught in a bad mood she will probably stay that way for a few days, because she tends to hold grudges.

Melia: She is 13 years old. She is a skunk. She weighs 80 pounds and stands about 4"11. She has dark grey fur, with skunk markings, and a pink line going from her back to her tail. Her eyes are pink, while her hair is medium purple. SHe has pink fingers Her attitude/likes/dislikes are not yet known to the public.

Cheru(Cheeroo): She is 16 years old. She is a fruit/vampire bat. She weighs 130 pounds and stands about 5"6. She has dark blue bat skin with some dark grey parts, and has wings that can fold out of her arms. She has lime green eyes. She is mainly bald but has two streaks of green and black hair coming out of her right side. She is ASEXUAL. She is said to be cannibalistic. She loves the darkness and is rarely seen during the day.

Rexen He is 14 years old. Birthday is march 29th He is an unspecified species. He weighs 137 pounds and stands about 6". His hair is originally blonde, but he constantly dyes it. He has a tattoo on his left shoulderblade His fur is a light blue with darker greens on his ears and tails. Rexen, unlike the rest of my characters has 3 tails. His personality is very friendly but shy. He likes to party and dance, but he is prone to self-pitying. He lives in Luxembourg, but often visits the Netherlands. He is 100% Dutch, and speaks dutch and broken english. He smokes weed, and does drugs/drinks occasionaly.
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