Well...I have been blessed with the crud everyone everywhere has had apparently. It's just peachy to feel all this fluid in your ears and to take time out of your busy schedule to gargle with glass. I do not make a happy sick person and cannot stand to be sick. It pisses me off. I am pouting and grouchy
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Eh, I hope you kids get better this week. It seems like both of you have been sick, or flirting with sickness, for the better part of a week or so now:(
I am really bad off in that I practically disinfect everyone who walks through the front door and I wash my hands so much that I almost have blisters from rubbing them together when I wash. You should have seen me the day I found out that mom and Chris were sick. The night before, Chris had just bought a can of spray disinfectant and I about used the whole thing on the toilet area alone. I am paranoid on a good day when everyone is well. I know you understand this though. Anyhow, Chris was fine later that evening and mom proceeded to lay in her chair and make wounded hunting dog sounds all night. Apparently, she was still unwell the next day and she hasn't eaten much that I have seen, at least. Well, except for her peanut butter and syrup extravaganza that she painted my nice clean counter with. And we cannot forget the brutal and untimely death that she brought upon Christian's last raisin muffin. Which, Chris will usually get a muffin and just eat half of it, leaving a nice clean half in the box. I noticed that the last muffin looked like badgers got a hold of it and I was annoyed at Chris. When I saw him later that day, he had just finished eating the mauled half. I asked him why he left it in that condition and he said he thought I did it. Nope, not me. It was BEV! He was beyond horrified, I honestly thought he was going to induce vomiting because it was obvious she fingered the muffin to death and he ate her germs!! It is quite apparent that he was not sick with what she has and that was the insult to injury. Ah, such comedy here. I know you have to miss it.
Anyhow, sorry for the really long comment. Hope you guys get better and get a nice house with an extra room for Pants and I:D
Yes.....we were having fun fencing with illness but it has overcome us and I am pissed. I sound like a cross between Demi Moore and a schnauzer when I talk, I cannot bend down or get up too fast or my head spins, which makes driving a joy, and I am stuffy on top of it all. Of course I am also tired and cannot really taste food so why bother eating it? Melissa is still all stuffy/snotty and hacky too. It's not fun here but at least we can share our germs with each other and not worry that a stranger will finger our muffins! 8-O
Thanks for the good housing wishes....we shall see what we can find. Maybe we'll at least have a shed for you and Pants. ;)
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