(no subject)

Mar 02, 2010 18:27

Merlin/ArthurVid I made.

Pairing - Arthur/Merlin with a little bit of Lancelot.

song - Jealous Guy. John Lennon.

Summary -

Arthur and Merlin meet up with Lancelot again, and Arthur is jealouse because he believes that Merlin and Lancelot had a 'thing' going on back in the day. So he's remembering back.

When it's black and white near the middle Lancelot was trying to tell Arthur that nothing happened but thinking about it later Arthur doesn't believe a word. Then where Merlin's fixing up Arthur's armor he was remembering back to when he and Lancelot first met and trying to tell Arthur that it's not like 'that' between he and Lancelot. Arthur doesn't like Merlin speaking about Lancelot.

Just follow the words of the song really.

vids not working, so the watch it on Youtube here!

Comments Much appreciated and loved!! ^^

merlin arthur lancelot bbc

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