Jul 09, 2010 00:04
- 00:10 @ amendandrevise which person? #
- 00:10 @ justchristinah ugh! that sucks. head your head up though! :D #
- 00:19 Hmm. Just missed a invite for practice #fml #
- 00:21 I'll be hanging out in the twitterverse till next hour. I don't have everyone in h3 on my list #iamamoron #
- 13:21 @ StopBeck Hooray!! Now I feel better interviewing for them. #
- 13:22 @ circumlocuted Hey! Good luck today. Are we getting together tonight? #
- 13:23 @ TheFatBoys Please do let me know. I'm all about the diet soda. #
- 13:26 @ NeroliRedux Wait, I thought you were a girl! fatiguè means you're a guy..it's fatiguèe #twitterenfrancais #
- 13:27 @ justchristinah I really really hope it's good news. <3 #
- 13:27 @ circumlocuted I dunno. At work atm... #
- 13:28 @ circumlocuted and no problem. I'm sure you'll be fine. just breathe and relax..meditate on the way into school #
- 13:28 @ NeroliRedux Haha, I do too when I'm speaking in Italian. My sister then mocks me. #
- 13:29 @ NeroliRedux I should just beat her up (not really) lol #
- 13:30 @ circumlocuted I'm thinking of where we could meet up and it's not working too well. lol brain fail. #
- 13:31 @ circumlocuted why? you will then have a manpurse! #
- 13:32 @ NeroliRedux /nods. It bugs me when I mess up and she catches it; I'm supposed to speak the language better than she. :( #
- 13:33 @ circumlocuted I have to go to court tomorrow.. #
- 13:34 @ NeroliRedux oh wow. that's awesome! i wish i knew spanish..I'm part Puerto Rican and speak maybe 3 drops. #
- 13:34 @ circumlocuted lol it's ok. you're a guy, you're supposed to be bad with stuff like that. #
- 13:35 @ circumlocuted bye hon! good luck again! /hug #
- 13:35 @ NeroliRedux Yes, indeed so. /shakes fist #
- 13:38 @ circumlocuted you didn't ask why i was going to court :( #
- 13:46 Did Gmail just crash? #
- 13:47 Nevermind, it was just me. ugh #
- 13:49 @ MattBennettMB You just won major points with me. How far into HL2 are you? #
- 13:51 @ Leighmusic HAHAH. GLORIOUS. Retweeted that because the world needs to know about fashion don'ts. hey @bashville, is there a pic? #
- 13:52 @ amendandrevise fucking a, you're always playing games. go work or something. #
- 13:55 @ circumlocuted did you get your phone back online? I wanna talk to you and not work. #
- 13:57 eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnn #
- 13:59 @ cpkimball Yum. I could go for one of those right now.. #
- 20:45 @ amendandrevise Very hard. would you consider @KaplanTutoring? I have an audition with them coming up on the 27th. #
- 20:46 @ circumlocuted LSS: I was called for jury duty 10/27/08, told them I wasn't going, as I was 10 months pregnant. (literally) #
- 20:46 @ circumlocuted Then a second notice was allegdedly sent, never got it. #
- 20:47 @ circumlocuted They sent me a contempt of court notice in May, kinda forgot about it...oops #
- 20:47 @ circumlocuted So i have to report or I may end up arrested, because I "never responded" to any notices. wtf. #
- 20:48 @ circumlocuted I have no money at all, or I would have met you. lol #
- 20:49 @ circumlocuted And I got my paycheck. 10 bucks more than I expected. YAAAAY TEN DOLLARS LESS IN THE HOLEEE #
- 20:49 @ circumlocuted and you better call me asap. I freaking miss you. #
- 20:50 @ circumlocuted I'll see if I can talk my way out of it. George just went in, and they said come back in 3mos...I can't do that. #
- 20:50 @ circumlocuted If anything I'll have Howie or Scott weasel me out of it. I -have- worked for attys.. #
- 20:52 @ amendandrevise it's teaching SAT classes and tutoring individual subjects. There's a method they teach about the SAT, or something. #
- 20:54 @ amendandrevise The audition is a 5 min long "how-to" presentation:show how you talk & yr material, how you use board/take questions #
- 20:54 @ amendandrevise From there it's an interview. #
- 20:55 THE PHONE RANG AND IT WAS NOT @circumlocuted I HAS A SAD #
- 20:56 @ amendandrevise hmm. neither am I, but I'm willing to put up with it. I need moneys. #
- 20:57 @ morgankittie I wish I had that many! #
- 20:59 @ circumlocuted you at home yet? #
- 21:04 @ amendandrevise yeah..same here. quit my highest-paying job because I couldn't take it anymore.. #
- 21:05 @ amendandrevise and that i did knowing i'd be thrown into a mess. well, the mess was thought to be worse than it was. #
- 22:05 Playing Halo 3. raptr.com/kittiekorn #
- 23:53 @ amendandrevise @it was 12 an hour at the law firm i worked at. Not worth it. #
- 23:54 @ circumlocuted it's ok. #
- 23:55 Just taking a quick breather before hour 3 of practice. #halo3 #
- 23:56 @ amendandrevise HAHAHAHA NICE CHAIR GONNAQ GO TO THE BEACH! #
- 00:02 @ amendandrevise lol amen #
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