Aug 04, 2005 13:22
So...Haven't updated in a while...
I'm getting ready to move back on campus. Going home this weekend on a greyhound bus. Then back to working at Accounts Payable 8-5 everyday until Orientation week. The first two weeks of school are going to absolutely insane since I have DG recruitment AND honors orientation AND first week of classes AND work... yeah, I might just die. either way, I'm very excited to be moving back on campus soon.
Although I will miss having someone to sleep next to every night. :-( I have to look on the bright side...I get to sleep next to the Jessie hehe. (not in a sexual way, of course)... ;-)
what sucks though is that the guy who was going to move into my room is not moving in. SO...Josh and Jesse don't have a roommate...and paying all that rent on their own doesn't look so hot. Either way, I am going to help them out and pay for the whole month of August and they'll pay me back later (I hope)...
Yeah, so I'm at work now...nobody has anything for me to I am...once again...getting paid to sit on my ass...except now I'm paid $7.5 instead of $5.15...I'm liking this! hehe
OMG... hell froze over...well...figuratively speaking...Jesse cleaned out his vacuumed out, no rotting anything, no dirty clothes or old books and papers clean! Yeah...I know, I think that is more exciting for me than anyone else...but this is MY you can't stop me from wasting your time by typing it! hahahahahaha (evil laugh)
Now for the very very bad news...
Service Learning: Domestic Violence got canceled! :-( I won't be a facilitator until Spring... I'm sad... I feel as though I cannot move forward in my super-honors or absolute-nerd existence without this! WHERE DID MY IDENTITY GO! all of you who do not know... my uncle has cancer... and my mom successfully donated bone marrow for him! The procedure took a lot out of her, especially since she was isolated somewhere in Texas without anyone there for her for 9 days, but she was upbeat and strong through the whole thing.
SO... we are all holding our breath waiting for him to go through his last set of chemotherapy and get some of my mom's bone marrow in him! It's really risky stuff... but my mom and his other siblings have it worked out for at least one of them to be with him (in Louisiana) during the entire process which takes a few months. SO... for everyone out there, wish him luck, pray for him, or just recognize his strength.