miss you miss you

Aug 07, 2004 01:18

This summer has been really good for me. I learned how to distinguse true friends from untrue friends who talk shit behind your back. I was able to get rid of the people who had a negative impact on my life. I have learned to fight for what I want and what I care for, and if it doesnt work out then, hey, atleast I tried. I met new people and saw familiar faces. I relized that there are a lot of people that care for me and make me feel special. I know that I can still be me and have a good time, yet still have goals that I am working towards everyday. Love is everything. Love is wonderful, so be careful that you dont throw it away. Maybe things really do happen for a reason..
Well there are some of my words of wisdom:) thought I would share.


Ich liebe dich mit mein ganze herts. Du wisst wo du bist.

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