Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Aug 12, 2006 01:14

If you find yourself free on Sunday evening, please do come see. I'll be directing one of the pieces as will elliedee There's a chance I'll also be performing, but who knows until the day of, right?
baldsug is currently slated to unleash his mighty pen in the writers ring and the fabulous miss moonbird will be on the block with her more than notable talent as well.

24 Hour Plays
August 13, 2006
Horizon Theatre at the Little Five Points Community Center
Austin Ave. @ Euclid Ave., Atlanta

Jack in the Black Box Theatre is resuscitating an Atlanta favorite too long gone, the 24 Hour Plays at the Horizon Theatre.Come watch the result of 24 hours worth of hard work, sweat, and probably some tears as we gather writers, directors, actors, and designers and give them just 24 hours to produce a series of completely original 10-minute plays that will be sure to amaze you.

In one 24-hour period seven ten-minute plays are written, directed, and performed. Writers will arrive at 11:00pm on Saturday, August 12th, and have until 7:00am Sunday, August 13th, to finish their script.Directors will arrive at 7:45am that same morning and cast their pieces on the spot. Actors arrive shortly thereafter to rehearse. Technical rehearsals happen in the afternoon and the show goes up at 8:00 pm.Whew!

Mark your calendars now or go ahead and purchase your ticket onlinebecause this one night will sell out quick! All seats $12 general admission. Sorry, no phone reservations will be taken for this event.

24 hp

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