Apr 17, 2007 08:49
i am nervous that i am taking on too much with a part time job. i might need to rethink this. in the next month and a half we need to find an apartment and pack up the one we've lived in for the past three years. this is going to be a big project. and i am feeling all this pressure...
but i am so broke. i don't know what to do.
and i think lynsey is going to quit this place real soon. i can't stay much longer. my six year anniversary is RAPIDLY approaching and i feel sick at the thought of it. maybe a part time job at the bookstore is a good idea for this very reason, in case i need to leave economy to save my sanity before i have another full time job lined up.
the next few months are transitional in so many ways.
i wish i could sleep through them and wake up in the fall.