For the next edition of
BCM we are looking for good, high resolution (the bigger the better) photos of people wearing dolly-kei for the fashion feature.
Any type of dolly (whether it is the older more fairy tale style or the more modern or a style mix with another j-fashion style, it's all good) is more than welcome. No cult party kei please as we are keeping that for another edition all together :) (unless you want to send your photos in really early ;)).
Photos must be at least 1333/1500 x 2000 pixels, but bigger is definitely better :)
It goes without saying that you need to be allowed to share the photo, as I don't want to get in trouble for accidental copyright infringement. Our deadline is April 24, but the sooner I get photos in the sooner I can edit everything so I definitely won't complain if I get submissions before then :)
If you could help out, I'd be very grateful. Photos can be send to hildekitten at gmail dot com
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and a huge thank you in advance to everyone who can and wants to contribute!