Last Sunday I hosted the monthly Belgian Cupcakes meet at my house. The weather had been pretty dire all week, but the forecast said that it would clear up and get boiling hot on Sunday.
Bert was kind enough to set up our new suntent so we could all sit under that. I'm really glad he did because for once the weather forecast was actually right. To the point where we gave up on sitting outside and fled indoors at some point. One of the advantages of going for steampunk in lolita thankfully is that I can get away with light steamy tops so I don't have to boil to death.
But it was a great time, lots of yummy foods and snacks, cool people and fun conversations :)
I really had a great time, and I hope everyone else did too.
Thanks for coming guys!
I'd actually be happy to host a meet again, if people don't mind sitting on the floor enough people can fit into my house after all :)
laviefantasque I know you don't like editing, but I would like that photo of Merlijn being petted by several people whilst I was holding him. The look on his face was priceless :D (uneditted photo is fine too!)
Pizza from Margot, onigiri from Vief, sushi from Camille and couscous from Saltje :)
Shinto was outside in her rolling cage (which is an outdoors cage for lizards so they can get around kindda like a ferret or hamster wheel) and Merlijn was jealous. He didn't get to come out because he tends to attack our guests.
Fun with my sonic screwdriver tool, yes lots of us are Dr Who fans!
Tired from setting up tents, baking and going to Sarabande the day before, but STILL dressed in Aristocrat style. Bert takes his meet presence seriously!
He was mostly tired inside though, but still, he really went for it. Go Bert!
Obligatory outfit shot:
Headbow: made it myself
Top: my own design, made it myself
Thin belt: Moda
Lensbag: thrifted vintage
Wide belt: Veritas
Pocket watch bag: my own design, made it myself (pocket watch is by Fossil)
Skirts: both made by me
Spats: my own design, made them myself
Shoes: Secret Shop
Other accessories: Vintage, Angelic Pretty, handmade, Roxy
No unauthorized use or distribution.
All photos be
here :)