Monday, January 14
Camera: Sony XPERIA L1
Late night lap cat :)
Tuesday, January 15 2019
Camera: Sony XPERIA L1
Pocket full of Sulley
Wednesday, January 16
Camera: Sony XPERIA L1
Stance Darth Vader socks and Butterfly Twist shoes.
Thursday, January 17
Camera: Canon EOS 800D, 18-55mm Canon lens
Finally finished that portrait of Birdie I've been working on in school. Luckily she likes looking like an anime villain :).
Friday, January 18
Camera: Canon EOS 800D, 18-55mm Canon lens
Just an art school doodle of a portrait I'll paint at some point this year. If I get 'round to it because I have other assignments to finish, too.
Saturday, January 19
Camera: Canon PowerShot D20
Sok haning out outside our front door. I keep inviting him in out of the cold, but he doesn't want to come in. So we make sure he has food and water instead (and he can sleep in the old chicken house or the shed if he wants. Well him and Pluisje, same goes for Pluisje).
Sunday, January 20
Camera: Canon EOS 800D, 18-55mm Canon lens
Christmas gifts from my friend Marie, which she gave me last Sunday but I only got 'round to taking a photo now, oops!
Outfit of the day:
Hat: H&M
Glasses: Theo
Coat: Urban Bliss
Skirt: Voodoo Vixen
Petticoat: Hell Bunny
Tigths: H&M
Socks: Decathlon
Shoes: ASOS
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All daily photos of 2019 are
here for all my outfit shots, and
here for all my make-up shots.
Make-up and outfit shots (unless otherwise indicated) by
Bert Van den Wyngaert.