Well there went my plan of posting everyday, oh well :)
At least it's not a super massive back-up ^^
Plus, eventually my photo of the day will end up on an analog camera and it'll take a while to get back, so yeah ^^
Photo of the day: 6.1.2016 (day 6)
My Agfa Paramat, I love shooting with this camera :)
I just hope that the photos come out alright (first roll, so there'll probably be a lot of fail on there).
Photo of the day: 7.1.2016 (day 7)
Shinto under my desk :)
Well, mostly under my desk.
Photo of the day: 8.1.2016 (day 8)
Bought a bag for my Agfa Paramat :)
It's the National Geography vertical pouch from their Africa range.
I had actually seen this bag at FNAC a few times, and checked it out because I liked the look a lot (that and Nat Geo camera accessories are just really good, Bert and I have quite a bit of their camera stuff between us) but never had any real reason to buy it because I didn't have a camera to go in it. Until I got the Paramat earlier this week that is.