analog baby! Lomography Action Sampler, part 1 - #filmisnotdead

Oct 22, 2015 12:41

What first needs to be said about my Lomography Action Sampler is that it's a toy camera.
It has 4 lenses, it shoots in tiny intervals, so in theory you get 4 slightly different photos in one frame.
Which in reality means it's good for jump shots, taking pictures of animals or children that can't sit still.
Under optimal lighting conditions.
Oh and you have no hope in hell of properly framing anything.

It's crap, and it's definitely NOT worth the price Lomagraphy usually charges for it. I only got mine because as it was massively on sale when I was buying my analog Diana lens (the lens is great fun, but also very much not worth the cash I spent on it, especially considering I had to ductape it to it's adaptor so it wouldn't keep on falling off...).
If you like toy cameras, try looking into an offbrand alternatives, I've seen those around for about € 10 in the past.

But now that I have this thing, and as long as I can feed cheap HEMA film (€ 2,50 for a roll, free development into negatives at HEMA) I'll keep entertaining myself with it :)

Photo of the day: 10.10.2015 (day 283)

Sok, the neighbour's cat. He's always in for posing as long as there are pettings involved :)

Loa is generally not in for posing. In his defence he DID try, but apparently the light in the house was so much not to the liking of the action sampler that the negatives turned out blank... yes it is THAT shite. It's too bad too, because both Loa and Shinto were really doing their best!

I was putting stuff in that Uniqlo bag, Loa decided it was his bag and I decided I needed to take a photo.
Photo of the day: 12.10.2015 (day 285)

The crazy roses (if you saw how they are currently growing you'd call them crazy too), because I felt like it :)

With the final photos on the roll, I was taking photos of Jos painting. And then the film went a bit crazy. I do kinda like the effect. But if I want a good photo of Jos painting I believe I shall resort to my DSLR in the future. Or my Samsung if I instist on analog.

So yeah, this is the first entry about the Action Sampler.
Should you want to see more Lomography (not just Action Sampler) adventures: click here.

toy camera, lomography, film is not dead, people, cats, flowers, photography, action sampler, 35mm, fail, analog, filmisnotdead, sok, loa, photo of the day, analog photograph

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