May 23, 2008 18:58
Babs would so not approve. Spent some time earlier at the buzzard roost. yeah..local. Bar..I'm going back alone to sing. Spent my day going through pics of my moms memorial. Need to make a luminary bag for the cancer relay. While diabetes took my moms life she was indeed a breast cancer survivor. Been hard seeing the pics. Some were wedding in her dress etc. I cannot help but have 100% of my thoughts going out to Josh right now..I am going back to bar alone as Rory has been so kind to stay with Laney. The boys? Tight since Dev got cut in a fist a cuff with his bro that took 5 stitches to sew shut. Both are at party tonight..13 year old drinkin... sure of that.. told the older one to let him know i know the shit going on and will so stomp his ass soon..just need to figure myself out first..he get away with murder...Dev hates to be first born...
heh..Wish you were here..wish we could sit and laugh as we usually do...cant wait for Cali in Aug. If $$ allows...
x0x huggles to you all...Kat
Ps i need to pay my acct to get my icons back...josh they stole the one you made me...^&@^#%^@#