Got the job!!!!

Oct 19, 2009 00:15

Ok I recently had a job interview with our local electric company for an IT position. I was the normal buddle of nerves but everything went well until they said they had to do a background check. I mentioned that the only run ins with the law I ever had was over AR protesting (damn diarrhea of the mouth). The tone instantly changed and the VP stated the electric corp. did serve electric to a couple of animal labs. Then asked me a string of questions about if I would do any retaliating against the labs while at work. I said no but I could not say that I would end my protesting of these labs while off of work. I will most likely never deal with these groups, as I am just a pc nerd. I shook hands and left, 30 min later I received a call stating I had the job, that the VP was impressed about my view on animal rights and how I stood by those thoughts.
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