How I Fight Depression

Oct 21, 2008 13:39

Periodically I post this sort of thing here, so I can refer back to it as needed. And maybe it can help others.

  • Know Thyself - I know my symptoms and patterns of Things Going Downhill -- sleeping too much, no motivation, tiredness, difficulty and disinterest in staying present, disinterest in self-care, craving carbs. I stay vigilant in looking for these symptoms, and jump in to fight 'em off as soon as I see the patterns emerging.
  • Chemical Support - Increase the caffeine, drop alcohol. One drink a week maximum - alcohol is a depressant, and too many generations of my family have ruined their lives self-medicating that way. Caff is a small assist, not a solution -- but a little boost of energy will keep me from napping all day and will perk up my mood. Combined with the rest, it helps.
  • Cleanliness - even though I'm not interested in self-care, my mood is better when I'm clean and pretty. Even though I'm not motivated to keep up on housework, my mood is better when I'm in a clean, organized space. As without, so within. And the Rite of Unbinding to keep my inner self clean is invaluable.
  • Light - I've read the studies on full-spectrum light and all that, but I tell ya what's even more significant is that dark rooms encourage naps. Brighter rooms induce more alert awake states, and that helps.
  • Auditory Warfare - bouncy music. Danceable, sing-alongable, 80's cheese, jump blues, club remixes, unholy cover songs, and good ol' rock-n-roll.
  • Dance Dance Kittenpants - getting up and moving vigorously is exactly what I *don't* feel like doing -- but it will do more to elevate my mood, energize me, and make me feel unstoppable than most anything else.
  • Iron Pentacle - this Feri tool reawakens my aliveness and fuels my fires. Depression is rust - and the way to keep iron from rusting is to use it, polish it, don't just let it sit.
  • Gratitude - a good way to stave off the "poor me's" is to make a conscious effort to open to gratitude, to make time to embrace and give thanks for life's blessings.
  • Virtue Study - virtue work is spiritually uplifting. It's positive and forward-looking. It doesn't dwell on the past, on blame, it doesn't pick at wounds.
  • Carbohydrate Control - carbs are short-term satisfying, but eating one cookie just makes me crave a second. Carbs are easy to overindulge on, a binge can make me lethargic and dull (exactly what I'm trying to fight) and if I'm not moving enough and eating too many carbs, I start to put on weight and that just adds to the uphill battle. Protein, veggies - these are what my body *needs*, and I'll be happier if I stay away from bread, rice, sweets, and munchies.
  • Get Out of the House - interacting with the world outside my cave is a good thing!

ack, reality check

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