May 07, 2005 01:32

Yeaaaah, So Weds night was this damn crazy car wreck with Me and Heather. Fuckin' A.

Story: Okay so were driving down this street blah blah and this jackass in a minivan skid out of these apartments into the road without stopping right in front of us so heather nearly rear-ends him. We are both like WHAT THE HELL!! (being its a bad part of town no surprise)And she honks at him all pissed then he honks and she speeds up and gets in front of him to get the hell ahead of this asshole and turn right at the light we were heading towards. So he decides to speed up as we approach the light and get beside us...then when the lights yellow we are slowing down and looking over at him to see what the HELL his problem was(some somalian douche)...he LOOKED right at us like he wanted us dead and the next thing we felt was his fucking ASSHOLE vehickle crashing right into the left side of hers CUS HE IS A GOD DAMN ROAD RAGE FUCKING SOMALIAN ASS CUNTFACE! God the impact was TOO bad it was just like..heather fucking snapped and had to get out my side of the car..went storming over to his and was like GET THE FUCK OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKER WHAT THE HELL DO YUO THINK YOUR DOING IM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS". He gets out all like"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH ILL HIT YOU"(insert broken ass english here) and then I watch as she hurrys up grabs a camera out of her car to take pics of the crash and the liscence plate. All the while the guy is trying to get in her face like "NO CAMERAS NO GET AWAY GOD DAMMIT" and shes like"THIS IS AMERICA BUDDY BACK THE FUCK UP ASSHOLE" and keeps taking pics...and I guess some victim next to us called the police but they didnt come till forever later...then THEN her dad comes and this ventures into part to of the story...dude this is fucked..

..So finally I get out and Heather all fucking crazy not knowing what to think and we see her dad(short masculine half black dude) pull up and he goes to talk to the driver. We start walking away from the scene for a moment to calm down...the next thing we hear is yelling...turn around and her dad is FUCKING brawling with this they got each others throats and...heres the messed up part..the damn somalian ASS BIT into her dads side like a god damn ZOMBIE...not just bit... CHEWED her dad was like DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY GOD DAMN AID ARE IN YOUR COUNTRY (insert N word)...YOU FUCKING THINK YOUR AN on so we go back and like finally 5 minutes later the fight was broken up by her sister and aunt and like 5 other black dudes...then fricking finally the cops and ambulances and a fucking helicopter showed up...oh my god it was nuts. luckily her dad doesnt have AIDS or Hepititus from that shit. haha thats the end were all okay but jesus.Not cool.Wow I'm like writing a damn novel.Needless to say we are both alright. Heather's Version (Mwahah)

So..then... How are you Dahling?

P.s. Hey Heather...Lol My Icon even says "Fuck you my friend" HAHAHAH.
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