I have a tumblr! A sims tumblr, even! See that fancy new link on the left there? That'll take you directly to it. Or you can also use the link I'm about to type:
simbot @ Tumblr. I can already tell this is going to be an addiction that I dedicate entirely too much time and energy to, but oh well, I REGRET NOTHING. (If I wasn't on my work computer, I would drive the point home with a gif. Use your imagination for now.) There will be lots of Crescendo spoilers over there, for anyone who can't wait an admittedly too long amount of time for the next update. Yay? Yay. I mean, YAY!
Also, if you're not reading the van der Marc legacy over at
pixelatedcrush, first off, why aren't you? And second, the 1.1 update is up! So get on over there and fawn all over Ludwig. I know that's what I'll be doing.