I've come to the conclusion that the amount of non-sims related posts is probably going to jump exponentially which . . . Well, it's my journal, so I guess it's okay? But to spare those who just don't care (WHICH IS TOTALLY OKAY), all non-sims entries will now be friends-locked and behind a cut. Which means if you want to read random flailings about A Song of Ice and Fire or Harry Potter or Friday Night Lights or Community (come fall, there's going to be a LOT of Community-related flailing, I guarantee you) or PUPPIES!, feel free to add me. If you just want to follow my sims stuff a bit easier, feel free to add me in that case too. I'll try not to have too many random posts, this week notwithstanding. Generally there won't be any sims stuff in my locked posts, though I guess I did post a few preview shots in my last ramble, but legacy posts, downloads, queen bee posts, all that will never be friends only posts. BREATHE EASY.
The other thing that is changing with my journal is that I'm no longer going to be allowing anonymous comments. I wavered on this for a while, but I've just been getting too many spam comments as of late and it's really bothersome. I don't really know how else to combat this except to disable anonymous commenting. I'm sorry to any non-LJ users out there that may want to comment or ask a question or anything. I really hope this isn't an issue for anybody. :\
Finally, YES, I WILL be catching up on all of your legacies asap! Well, those posted within the last week at least because between that much of a backlog as well as comments and my own legacy and life, it's somewhat overwhelming. I wish it wasn't so, but there you have it.
Fierce queen bee progeny thanks you for your time.