I was perusing
fandomsecrets yesterday... and one secret in general rather pissed me off.
The one that said they were a Brit-picker and would sometimes randomly invent phrases such as "trousered as a badger" and try to pass it off to the author as a real "British term"... which, of course, in the end makes the author look like an idiot.
It infuriated me for the simple reason that it's just rude. Someone unfamiliar with british terminology and such entrusts another to help them out to prevent them from looking like an idiot and what do they do? They not only still make the author look like an idiot, but further make the author look like one when they insist that their brit-picker assured them it was a british term.
Though, on one hand... if the brit-picker IS british and makes it up... Doesn't that make it a british term by default? teehe.
On the other hand, the author spent alot of time trying to make their story "perfect"... and if they entrusted someone with the task of brit-picking, the least the brit-picker can do is do it properly.
I mean, honestly I've been in the US since I was 15 and sometimes a few british things go over my head easily. But that' mostly because I have friends (which shall go unnamed but she KNOWS who she IS) that use terms indicative of their area/family/ect... So I've gotten into the habit of calling a refridgerator an icebox. Pops are now Sodas (or is it sodas are now Pops... I can't really remember because I use both inter-changably).
But the fact remains that sometimes I need a refresher as to what is "British" what is "American" and what is "The Bastardised Florida BS". If I were to have someone brit pick for me and they made up a term and tried to pass it off as one of those "new british terms" and I found out... I'd (in the words of my S.O.) Bitch Slap them into the next century.