Dec 07, 2005 18:09
Maybe when you're used to everything crumbling all the time
It doesn't hurt as bad
Is that what it is?
You're so calm...
You tell me it's okay
And to relax.
You take the beer from my hand
Beg me not to get all drunk
I do it anyway
You talk to me until I'm on your nerves
But you still love me
Cause you hug me in the morning
Tell me to have a good day
And that you'll call in a bit.
You worked all day
I cried all day
Laid down for a nap
And you call
Just to see how I'm doing.
Your voice sounds fine
You're not worried
I don't know why I am.
I can't wait to see you
I want you here with me
I need to feed you, hug you
hear all about your day
And then we need to solve this problem
Find a place for you
and some peace for me
I told you last night
With tears in my eyes
I will never leave you
Never abandon you
And I meant it
I am your best friend
who will earn the title
Fiercly loyal, remember?
Like a lioness
In my furry coat
I'll lick your ear
And bring you food
Cause I love you
It hurts me
To see you hurt
I believe in you
No matter what
you've done
or haven't.
I don't care.
Now is all I expect of you.
If you'll just lean on me
I'll lean back
And we'll get through it all
of that I'm sure
Just say you'll stay
Stay with me
Not leave me
I'm so sorry
she made you feel unwanted
But you ARE wanted
So wanted
and needed
by me.
You know that
but it is up to you
And we'll see how it goes.
I cried all day
just fearing the worse
I don't think you're ready to be on your own
I don't think I'm ready to be on my own
I'm going to miss having you so close
I hate this.
You should be here soon.
The roads are so icy
I want you here in one piece
Hot cocoa sounds good.
I think I'll greet you with it
and wait to hear your ideas
so I can rest my head.