
Oct 07, 2009 00:38

First love: M. (C in a more intensely infatuation than love way.)

Favourite birthday present: Chocolate imported especially for me

The sexiest man alive is: The brother of someone who may possibly read this.

If I knew then what I know now: I'd have done just the same, unless knowing includes all the experience in which case I would do something new.

In my next life I'm going to be: A deity. Maybe a lorikeet.

Best way to fall in love: With your eyes open.

Most surprising thing I've discovered about my other half: *Censored for emoness*

What song would you sing in a big echoey stairwell: Theme (or at least often repeated) music from La double vie de Véronique.

Favourite fantasy: I'll tell you when you've grown up.

Most embarrassing phobia: It's a little embarrassing ...

What gets me out of bed in the morning: Evening.

I've always wanted to be: Me.

Worst fashion faux pas: Wasting the gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous hair I had when I was 15.

If I could go back in time: I would rewrite history over and over and over to understand the dynamics of humanity better.

Favourite bedtime story: Varies. If I have a favourite I read it then I need a new favourite.

Favourite English word: Colonel.

Best thing about the 1980s: The 2000s

Most memorable road trip: 16 hours of singing kd lang's If I Were You

If men got pregnant: They would be surprised.

Best way to flatter a man: Flatter them like a person.

My cure for insomnia: Sleep.

What kind of music would you listen to on a road trip: Whatever has the dynamics to be heard in the vehicle used and is currently of interest.

Worst chat-up line: Something other than hello.

Essential item to take on a road trip: Clothes on my back (front and sides).

Ideal car for a road trip: Ferris Bueller has convinced me of the merits of the Ferrari 250.

My biggest gamble: Life. High stakes, long payoff.

What makes you smile when you're having a bad day: A smile. A helping hand.

I always forget: What an odd question.

Most extravagant purchase this year: Only one remotely qualifies so I would have to say my baby netbook.

Favourite party outfit: pa-what now?

Favourite accessory: My dear, dear necklace that I made from a black riverstone my parents picked up and polished in the 1950s, some leather and delightfully well-shaped fencing wire. That I lost.

I feel more confident when: I am enthusiastic.

Best restaurant anywhere in the world: I don't recall the name but it's in the old city in Tallinn. Just off the main square. I think to the East in the SE corner, one street up. It was at the downhill end on the right. Near the end of that street you take the stairs down (steeply).

What bores the pants off me: Repetition.

Favourite party tipple: Beer, cider, or preferably free access to the makings of my own cocktails.

How long does it take you to get ready? 10-50 minutes.

To prepare for a night out, I: Pick clothes and ... what else is there to do?

I've never mastered: Maintaining self-discipline. I mastered self-discipline but then I forgot.

Best way to flatter a woman: Flatter them like a person.

The most memorable occasion of my life: Quitting Customs and walking out into a ray of sunshine through a hole in the clouds that grew as I walked away until the drab, overcast day turned into a blazingly bright sunlit day with clear skies.

What is your best party trick? Cat wrangling.

Hangover cure: Water.

I'm superstitious about: Nothing.

How do you plan to celebrate your next birthday? Much like any other day.

Who would your ideal party partner be? M (With some teensy niggles to work out. Mere trifles.)
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