Mar 05, 2006 20:41
hmmm.. what's been happening: salsa, salsa, salsa, SAMBA, and more salsa. oh, and more samba. much more samba. oy. good but I've had a stupidly sore throat the past few days and am NOT happy. I repeat: I AM NOT HAPPY. :(
Well, actually, I'm very happy, happy. just not with my sore throat. there are things that me sad from time to time that won't go away, but time heals everything, I believe. There are also things making me ridiculously, deliriously happy. :) :) :)
Things on my mind in general ...:
I'm graduating soon (gulp!), I might be able to buy a house (GULP!!), I have SO many dance shows on that this week is SO BUSY. Thank goodness lectures are striking on Tuesday (well, not good, but convenient)... what else? salsa is going tremendously well, oh and I have so much work to do before April/May it's silly.
Oh well!
You only have one life! :)