Ryuusei na Kizuna's Nino (流星な絆の二宮) - Ep 01 & 02

Jan 19, 2012 20:08

I watched the first two episodes of Ryuusei na Kizuna tonight.  I'd been meaning to watch it for a while now, just never got around to it with the many other Arashi entertainment available.

I knew the premise of the show and so was a little creeped out initially when the scene of the parents' murder approached.  Luckily they didn't film it explicitly, but I would say that the resulting bodies and room looked very realistic.

Expecting this drama to be more serious or darkly portrayed, I was surprised by the amount of times I laughed or smirked at Nino's character - both independently and interacting with his siblings and cafe customers.  The many sides of Nino...

1. Not-impressed! Nino:

2. Confused by the Post-it Guy:

This scene made me laugh out loud!  Haha, they did a great job bandying back and forth.  二宮はすごくかわいい。

3.  Shocked!Nino

Another hilarious scene!  Nino's reactions to his sister's situation were great.  I laughed when his brother said:

He did this choking thing next because he couldn't bring himself to say "condom" and instead said "birth control devices."  Haha, so cute.

4.  Just-out-of-bed / Why-is-this-guy-here-now? Nino

This scene was funny - the customer consistently asks for Hayashi rice and Nino's response is always:

So he came early to be the first customer.... still no Hayashi rice, though.  The customer is played by Kaname Jun.

5.  Scheming! Nino - He looks like he is having so much fun being devious.

6.  Stalker! Nino

Still makes me laugh and go "aww, so cute" even though he also looks a bit creepy. ~_~

7.  And finally... Sad-that-his-sibilings-didn't-like-his-group-name! Nino

I think he threw his tantrum really well - very realistic how someone would react. Do you see how the "We Are" is in cursive letters in the "hair"?  I didn't see it at first, but it looks awesome the more I see it now.

I was surprised at myself for liking the actor who plays Nino's younger brother: Nishikido Ryo.  I am not a fan particularly, but his acting of a slightly baka younger sibling was really incorporated.  He has this kind of clogged sound in his voice/words that makes him sound just a bit more stupid and cute, because of it.   A couple of my favorite scenes were:

All in all, this was a really great set of episodes.  I look forward to the rest of the series.

**Note - All screencaps were made by me.  Feel free to take, just leave a comment letting me know. Thanks.

二宮和也 ninomiya kazunari, arashi in film/dramas

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