Mar 26, 2011 17:52
We did an activity where Indy had to say words that had something to do with trains and then words that had something to do with rain. Then I asked him to write a sentence about trains or the rain. He proposed instead to tell me a story about a train and the rain. There is something, I don't know, existential about this piece. And its all him, he just kept going, no interruptions from me...
One day a train was going along the track and a thunderstorm came by. The clouds were black and his wheels were getting wet and the tracks had a puddle inside the bridge. The trains eyes got big and then the tracks were wet and then the rain made a sound (shakes homemade rain stick). And then the rain made a really loud sound ( shakes rain stick louder). And then the water got a bigger puddle and a bigger puddle and a bigger puddle. It was as big as a giant. It was as big as 250 lions. And then the tracks got blue and the water got really really big. It got as big as 1000 water drops. And then that train remembered its name and then it said its name. And then the rain kept going really loud (loud shaking) as loud as 70 markers drawing at once. And then that thunderstorm got really loud, so loud. And then, and then, that was then end.
Afterwards Iasked him if it had a title and he said it was called "The Adventures of Bembock and the Thunderstorm".
Is it just me or does that little story have a kind of intensity? With the rain getting heavier and then he remembers his name? And as loud as 70 markers drawing at once, what an odd little metaphor. I dont know. He never paused once just kept going until he was done.