Day six: Five people who mean a lot

Feb 02, 2011 20:01

I give you two lists, plus some words

My Family
Scott- the love of my life for the past 17 years. Part of me can't believe I have been alive long enough to be able to be with someone that long. We are perfect, we are a disaster, but somehow we always always make it work. Sometimes I think we are too stubborn to give up on each other. Sometimes I think we work simply because we love the same movies.

Indy- I love him more than I could possibly imagine. Every day is a new joy and a new aggravation. But the aggravation isn't him, it's me. It's me having to learn from him. Me realizing the ways in which I need to change. One day I will turn around and he will be driving away from me, but until then I will relish and steal every moment I can with him.

My parents- Without them, who would I be? I am everything that I am because of them, the good and the bad. Everything that I am they are, although maybe in a slightly different combination.

My brother- He is amazing, giving, caring, everything one would want in a brother. I have seen so many grown families where the siblings don't even talk to each other. I don't know how or why we have always been able to maintain our friendship, all I know is we've never had a problem doing it. And I hope we never will.

My Friends
Rara- I have watched you change and grow so much since I met you. From driving to come fetch you so you could sleep on our couch to now. You are growing into the beautiful amazing woman you were always meant to be. I love you very much, and couldn't imagine you not being here sharing our life with us.

Dennis- It's crazy to think that it all started by conversing in each others lj idol entries, and then relishing in the controversy that was season 4. But now, two plus years later, you are one of my closest friends. Some day I hope we will eat some really good food together, and get the chance to discover how annoying we both actually are in person. You mean a lot to me, and I hope you never forget that.

Tara- While we don't see each other often, or even talk that often anymore, you are still an important part of my world. I know that at any time I can call you up and talk to you or get help with any problem I am having. And I hope you know I would be there for you any time you needed someone. AndI can't wait to be able to make it to one of your art shows.

Casey- Who would have thought that we would end up as friends? We are such different people, but thanks to our little ones we have discovered how alike we really are, as mothers. Sharing the craziness that is both our lives. I so look forward to our visits together. And can not wait for Jordan to be potty trained so we can have that drink together!

Bob- I don't even know what I could possibly say here to show how important you are to me. You were the one who was there when everything went crazy, giving me advice or keeping me from throwing things across the room. You never have a problem saying what you think and I admire that about you, there are times when a person really needs to hear that. Sometimes I think we would make the perfect roommates. If ever Scott's plane crashes, you know I'll be calling you.


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