(no subject)

Apr 14, 2008 08:31

Other that going out on Friday night....my weekend was pretty boring. I did nothing but hang out at home and spend some time on me :) I practiced guitar like crazy and am starting to develop very sore finger tips. I have been trying to learn as many songs as I can...just cuz.....I dunno. I want an electric guitar!!! yahhhhhh! Then I could really rock out! I've been bushing up on all my old songs...and leaning some new....so....ya.

I've got some things going on this week in the evening.....

I chatted with Wil over the weekend.....he wrote another song, laid it down and sent it to me. It was pretty good....but I like the one from last week better.
Also chatted with Trevor on the weekend......dammit.

Getting pretty excited for May. Lot's of goodness happening in May!

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