I have a question

Nov 16, 2008 13:01

When the end of times comes all the true believers in the lord jesus h. christ spaghetti monster will be swept up to heaven to avoid entirely the tribulation. Right? That's what they believe, yeah? In those 7 years when all the righteous have left us satan will rule over man's earth while him and god do battle. Also in that time people who are unsaved will have a chance to decide that they really do side with jesus afterall and will then too themselves be saved after death or upon the completion of tribulation.

Here are my questions:
-Won't the righteous be at a disadvantage during the battle if all the faithful are already in heaven?
-What if satan wins?
-Why do christians care so damn much about trying to save or convert people if all non-believers will have a chance to be re-born unto Him after it becomes clear that ridiculous story is true?
-If god kills satan there will be no hell? what incentive will there be to be righteous?
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