May 07, 2009 15:40
i graduated... got my dregree...its around here somewhere...maybe over there.... ah..there it is..!
yup i graduated from my first degree. yay me!!
took a while to get here. i barely realise the acheivement..
my aunt found it funny when the ppl on stage said we should thank our family for thier support.. as my family think they deseve no credit... i did it all on my own with no support..
so yay.. though its sad that very few understand the depth of my acheivement...i dont push my circumstances on others. that the mountain i climbed was not a hill like others had, who could practically buy their degrees, or their families could.
and here i am up for another degree. masters this time.. n damn it i mised the info session on the fullbright scholarship... could have studied at a prestigious uni in america..