May 18, 2007 18:06
I'm still formulating the rules regarding a few new topics that have come up.
In the meantime however, doues anyone wish for the rules regarding some facet of modern society.
all responses seriously considered!!
While we're waiting for those, heres another:
always appreciate your family, they didnt choose to go through life with you, yet they continue to stick around. This doesnt mean one should take them for granted, or live their lives for them, but do let them know that you appreciate what they do, or feel, and not just on a special day of the year, all year.
on the other hand, just because someone is related to you by blodd, that is no reason to put up with horrendously bad behaviour. tell them you dont like it, or remove them from your social circle. Ancient Tribes would exile a transgressor, it was one of the worst punishments going at the time, as no-one would acknowledge your existence or give you sucour.
friendship isnt something you get from another, its something you give. Someone who covets what you have, and will step over you to get it, is not a friend, but a self-indulgent, two-faced user. DO NOT be friends with these people. If you are unfortunate to have experienced one, dont let them back into your life, they havent changed, they rarely do, and you WILL get bit again.